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Expand Your Business with Buy Now, Pay Later

Offer your customers interest-free payment installments and get paid in full, instantly.

Customers Pay 4-Interest-Free Installments. You Get Paid in Full Immediately.

No risk to your business
Sell more & get paid immediately
Customer pays interest-free over 6 weeks

Buy Now, Pay Later industry is a proven profit

11 million
bookings a month
growth in clients a month
services providers
boost in checkout conversion
growth in average order value
higher purchase frequency
The above statistics are an average gathered from the buy now, pay later industry.

Attract New Customers & Increase Repeat Appointments

With a low 6% per transaction fee, customer payments will be automatically managed, with the full transaction amount in your account the next day.

You get paid next business day
If customer fails on payment, you still get paid
Vagaro takes all the risk
appointment calendar for salons and barbershops on computer and mobile device

Salon 77 West's Success Story

Hear how Vagaro Pay Later is helping Salon 77 West increase revenue and drive higher value purchases.